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Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 6:54pm by Captain Andre Hunt & Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale & Commander Thomas Carey & Lieutenant Commander Mattys Plaatjes & Major Eli McEntyre & Ensign Dylan Thomas & Warrant Officer Steve Baxter

880 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Drydock
Location: Various Areas

The doors to the turbolift opened as Captain Hunt entered onto the bridge. Today was the official launch day of the USS Meridian. The bridge was busy as final preparations were being made for their departure. Briefly circling the bridge, Andre arrived at the center chair and had a seat. It had been a while since he sat there being that the ship was undergoing a full work up and restocking over the last few months. Tapping the comm button on his seat. "Captain Hunt to all department heads, report status."

Sitting at the helm station was Emily Douglasdale. Tapping on a few keys, she turned back to the Captain. "Helm is ready."

"Communication is good to go Sir," Steve Baxter reported.

"Weapons, shields are operational Captain." Thomas replied from his station.

"MACO detachment aboard and ready." Eli reported from behind and to the side of the Center Chair.

Down in the belly of the NX-refit vessel, Plaatjes leaned over the console readout for the core. He and his crew had worked overtime to get the ship certified and ready for launch in time. Looking around the Engineering Bay, he felt pride in his crew. A proper expression of what Starfleet was, and aspired to be in the future, he thought as he noted the Tellarite on his crew. 'Engineering reports ready,' he said over the comm.

Ensign Thomas raised his head up from his station in corner. "All science stations report ready to depart."

A sense of pride came over the Captain. This was indeed a brand new senior staff. But he was eager to see what each one of them was capable of achieving on this voyage. "Baxter request permission to depart."

The communications officer got on the comm and began making the proper notifications to depart. "Captain we've been granted permission to depart. Docking clamps have been released."

"Emily engage impulse engines at half impulse."

"Aye Sir." the Warrant Officer flipped a couple of switches as the Meridian began to move forward.

Tapping the comm on the center, Andre spoke. "Plaatjes prepare to go to warp four?"

'Engine's showing green on all boards, Captain,' Plaatjes said happily, looking over the console that stoon in front of the Core. Bathed in its purple light, his confidence grew. 'We can even take her to Six if you're feeling it, Sir.'

"Standby, we'll jump to warp six once clearing out the system."

The comm beeps again.

“Sir, hail from Unicorn.” Baxter reported from his station. On the viewscreen coming into view from their port, the Yorktown Class Unicorn, Flagship of the 2nd Fleet.

“General McEntyre on screen for you sir.”

Hunt raised a curious eyebrow. "Let's not keep the General waiting Baxter."

Seconds later the face of General McEntyre appeared on the main viewer. Respectfully the Captain stood from his seat as he approached the viewer. "General McEntyre this is a pleasant surprise."

"Captain Hunt" The General nods. Aged here now, from times of war to his new post behind the desk. Grizzled yet calm.

"To you and your crew, the fleet wishes you godspeed and fair winds on this, your maiden voyage."

"It means quite a bit coming from the commanding officer of the Flag ship," Andre replied. "The Meridian intends to continue to make Starfleet proud on our journey."

"Good Luck Captain Hunt, to you and your crew. May the wind be at your back."

"Thank you, Sir. Perhaps we'll see you out there."

“It’ll would be an honor. Godspeed Meridian” The General replied before he spoke again. “Oh, and make sure you keep that major of yours safe.” He smiles.

"Will do," Andre replied with a head nod.

"Captain we're cleared and ready for warp," the helm officer announced.

Hunt returned to the center chair. "Set a course for Trillus Prime."

"Course locked in Sir."


The Meridian quickly jumped into warp making his way outside the system. In a few weeks they would be the first Humans to step foot on Trillus Prime. This world was on Starfleet's radar for possible membership. It would be the furthest world out, which would be great for expansion purposes. In the past, Hunt had been involved with diplomacy, but those were mostly stumbled upon. This would be a first with a direct task at hand. A few minutes later, the Meridian cleared us the Sol system. From there the Captain gave the order to push the ship to warp 6.

Plaatjes watched the readouts on the warp engine carefully. Starfleet had come on leaps and bounds in the years since he had entered the Academy, but Warp Cores, well they're just a bit more complicated than lighting switches, he thought to himself, remembering the interaction with their Vulcan Major. So far so good. He tapped the edge of the console in front of him, sighing contentedly. The ship's harmonics sounded different now she was at warm.


Captain Andre Hunt
Commanding Officer
USS Meridian

Lt. Commander Mattys Plaatjes
Chief Engineer
USS Meridian

Major Eli McEntyre
MACO Commanding Officer
USS Meridian

Ensign Dylan Thomas
Science Officer
USS Meridian

Warrant Officer Emily Dougsdale
Helm Officer
USS Meridian

Warrant Steven Baxter
Communications Officer
USS Meridian

Special Appearance
General Josiah McEntyre
Fleet Commanding Officer
USS Unicorn


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