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Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 6:54pm

Major Eli McEntyre

Name Eli McEntyre

Position MACO Commanding Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 175
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A Human of broad build, an athlete's body. He’s framed by firm muscles, and clipped brown hair in a short gentleman style. He predominantly wears his MACO cammies and Orbital Airborne Beret and old style Oakley Sunglasses when on away deployments.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Charles McEntyre - Deceased
Mother Emily McEntyre
Brother(s) MajGen. Josiah McEntyre - Eldest Brother

Lt.Col John McEntyre - Elder Brother - KIA Coalition Starbase One
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview A MACO joining in 2145, Eli McEntyre's family has always served in one form or another, having seen combat in most major conflicts going back to the founding of the State of Texas. Though he enlisted into the MACOs in 2139 mainly to get away from his father who was a toxic influence on him, due to his perceived “Weakness” that his father did not tolerate from any sons of his. He is Gay, which infuriated his father to the point of disownment.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Combat Training - In addition to standard combat and weapons training, Eli is a specialist in Orbital Insertions, and Airborne tactics. He has performed several orbital drops from extremely high altitudes, as part of the MACOs Orbital Airborne Regiments.


Traumatic Childhood: Eli grew up the scorn of an overbearing father who did not tolerate any weakness or failures from his children. Eli was the target of the brunt of his father’s over dominating ways to the point where his father tossed him to the wolves, disowning him when he came out at 16. He spent a year couch surfing and trying to survive until he was able to enlist at 17, at the first chance he got.
Ambitions Keeping his head down. Beyond this, Eli lives one day at the time, and always to the fullest.
Hobbies & Interests Painting as a therapeutic outlet
Old Literature, especially literature with an LBGT emphasis
Outdoor activities

Personal History Eli McEntrye was born in Dallas on 19th of November 2127 to Charles and Emily McEntyre, a military family with deep roots in national service which Charles sought to instill in his sons from an early age.

Growing up under the weight of his family’s legacy, Eli spent years under the pressure of his father, who wanted all his sons to learn proper discipline, weapons handling, and self-reliance, skills useful for a future soldier of the United Earth. Charles was a stern taskmaster in this regard, pushing his youngest harder, longer and faster than his older sons, Charles did not tolerate Eli being the runt of the family and when he discovered Eli making out with a neighbor boy when Eli was 16. Charles immediately disowned him and tossed him out to fend for himself.

Eli spent a year, going from one place or another, trying to survive on whatever he could find. He leaned on the skills his father beat into him, becoming a rugged survivalist. As soon as he was able to at 17, Eli went to the nearest recruiting station and enlisted in the MACOs, he didn’t have the education like his older brothers did, both receiving commissions to West Point as MACO officers.

Still Eli welcomed the chance to show (if not actually but mentally) his father that he could be the best that he could be. He trained harder than any recruit had at Recruit Depot, Parris Island. His scores were impressive and finding those who shared his interests (and his orientation as well) helped to bring out Eli from the fortress he’d built around himself trying to survive day after day on the streets.

He graduated boot camp 6 months later and was selected for Orbital Airborne School at Alpha Centauri. A course that Eli made good on his promise to himself. He thrived, qualifying for Orbital Airborne Operations and expert ratings on EM-44’s and EM-43 class weapons as well. He earned his Maroon Beret of the Orbital Airborne with high marks.

He spent the intervening years on combat assignments in Earth space and Starship Duties as embarked MACOs.

In 2155 he is listed as Killed in Action on the Atlantis NX-05, however this is a cover for reassignment into the highly classified Special Operations Detachment-Delta, the Black Ops unit for the United Earth MACOs, more commonly known as “Dead Team” or “Specters”. He is promoted to First Lieutenant and put through two years of Officer Candidate School and Special Warfare Training for assignment to SOD-D Team One.

After the war, Eli, along with most (if not all) of the MACOs still on duty are either retained as part of a reformed MACO or reclassified as Starfleet Security officers under the newly formed United Federation of Planets Starfleet. Now ranked as a Major in the new MACO and after spending all of his career as a combat soldier, shifting to the more shipbound mindset has taken Eli some time to get used to. However, he is always up for a challenge and has spent the last 8 years refocusing his efforts on becoming a fine example of what the new MACO should strive to be.
Service Record 2145-2146 - Basic Training - MACO Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina

2146-2147 - MACO Camp New Chilton Foliat, Alpha Centauri - Zero Gravity and Orbital Airborne Training

2147-2148 - Deployment to Altair - Regimental Security

2148-2151 - S.S. Crusader - MACO Detachment - Airborne Deployments to pirate base near Vega Colony

2151-2153- Jupiter Station - Security Detachment

2153-2154 - Berengaria - Garrison Duties, 5th Orbital Airborne, Nafarroa.

2154 - Atlantis NX-05 (listed KIA- secretly reassigned)

2155-2161 - MACO SOD-Delta “Dark Ops” - Team One Leader

2161-Present - MACO Headquarters - Instructor West Point Officer Academy.