Welcome to the USS Meridian!

It is the year 2167, still in the early years of the newly formed United Federation of Planets. The founding members United Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar and Alpha Centauri lead the way for the new members: Mars, Alpha III, Vega IX, United Rigel Worlds and Colonies, Arken II and Orodanga who are finding their place and standing in the Federation. The USS Meridian a Columbia class starship leads the way in exploration as Starfleet pushes out further among the stars to find new worlds and hopefully expand.

But all is not completely peaceful. The Klingon Empire has concerns of the Federation which they have already determined to be a major force and threat which continues to get stronger with each new world joining. There are also the threats of piracy as civilian ships continue to push out further for trade and science expeditions.

Come join the crew of the Meridian as we explore, practice diplomacy, take on old and new threats to the United Federation of Planets, including threats from within.

Latest Mission Posts

» Meeting the assistant

Mission: Drydock
Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 3:50pm by Lieutenant JG Talariana sh'Joven & Commander Thomas Carey

Thomas had just gotten his bags into his quarters... being the XO gave him not only quarters, but a small, yet usable office next to it to call his own. there as always the Armory office that he could use, and probably would use more often. However, with wanting a bit of a downtime social setting he opted for the one closer to home. Going through the files, he noticed his first victim... person of interest.

"Lt Sh'Joven please report to... the office next to the XO's quarters." Thomas replied as he thought about what to call this office.


» Shuttle Launch

Mission: Drydock
Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 10:02pm by Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale & Chief Petty Officer Heath Stoudemire & Petty Officer, 1st Class Gabrielle Costillo & Petty Officer, 3rd Class James Greene & Crewman Darla Meadows

OOC: Backpost takes place before Launch.

Heath Stoudemire in front of the shuttle staff as he gave explicit instructions for the day. "Alright folks we've done one hell of hob getting these shuttles looking good and running smoothly. Today we take them out for a test run around the starbase."

The staff was clearly excited about the possibility of actually getting to fly. Over the last few weeks they worked hard getting these shuttles in a condition that was damn near brand new.

"Speaking for the group we definitely have been looking forward to this day Chief," Costillo spoke. "Also…

» Launch

Mission: Drydock
Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 6:54pm by Captain Andre Hunt & Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale & Commander Thomas Carey & Lieutenant Commander Mattys Plaatjes & Major Eli McEntyre & Ensign Dylan Thomas & Warrant Officer Steve Baxter

The doors to the turbolift opened as Captain Hunt entered onto the bridge. Today was the official launch day of the USS Meridian. The bridge was busy as final preparations were being made for their departure. Briefly circling the bridge, Andre arrived at the center chair and had a seat. It had been a while since he sat there being that the ship was undergoing a full work up and restocking over the last few months. Tapping the comm button on his seat. "Captain Hunt to all department heads, report status."

Sitting at the helm station was Emily Douglasdale. Tapping…


Mission: Drydock
Posted on Sun Feb 16th, 2025 @ 5:55am by Commander Thomas Carey & Captain Andre Hunt

The USS Meridian was a week away from departing on their two-year assignment. Still a few senior staff members short, but hopefully most of that would be addressed prior to them leaving. It had been a tough decision regarding the candidates for Executive Officer, but one in particular stood out above the others. Lt. Commander Thomas Carey a career armory officer and had spent the last two years as the second officer aboard the USS Challenger. After speaking with his CO, he was fairly certain that this man was more than ready to pursue the command route further. He immediately…

» Can we get a little light in here?

Mission: Drydock
Posted on Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Mattys Plaatjes & Major T'Ria


The door to her quarters ground open with a less than smooth hiss. T'Ria looked to the now open doorway with suspicion. She would need to procure some lubricant from requisitions to see if that would help the operations of the door. Walking into the space, she looked about the dark quarters that held only the ambient lighting from her viewport to give her any distinctiveness in the space. Vulcans might have excellent hearing and smell, but low light vision was inferior to humans. It made evolutionary sense. Her species evolved on a desert world, in a trinary star…