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Shuttle Launch

Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2025 @ 10:02pm by Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale & Chief Petty Officer Heath Stoudemire & Petty Officer, 1st Class Gabrielle Costillo & Petty Officer, 3rd Class James Greene & Crewman Darla Meadows

851 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Drydock
Location: Shuttlebay

OOC: Backpost takes place before Launch.

Heath Stoudemire in front of the shuttle staff as he gave explicit instructions for the day. "Alright folks we've done one hell of hob getting these shuttles looking good and running smoothly. Today we take them out for a test run around the starbase."

The staff was clearly excited about the possibility of actually getting to fly. Over the last few weeks they worked hard getting these shuttles in a condition that was damn near brand new.

"Speaking for the group we definitely have been looking forward to this day Chief," Costillo spoke. "Also we're glad to have you back on the Meridian."

"Its been a long two years indeed," James Green chimed in.

Warrant Officer Emily Douglas walked into the shuttle bay overlooking the enlisted personnel who were in formation down below. Clearly, they were happy to have Heath back. Crewman Meadows had arrived at the Meridian after the Chief left to for his posting at New Darwin Colony, so other than word of mouth from the others in the Department, she didn't know anything personally about the man. There currently hadn't been a Chief Helm Officer assigned on the Meridian, so the current position was being filled by her in the meantime. Perhaps just finishing school and getting her commission and becoming an Ensign. Making the position Chief Helm Officer position actually a permanent thing.

Stoudemire looking at the Warrant Officer staring down below at the group. "Anything you wish to address with the Department ma'am?"

Emily simply waved a hand. "Don't mind me. Just proceed."

"Alright everyone get to those shuttles," the Shuttlebay Manager instructed. "I'll be right behind you."

As everyone moved into the shuttle, Emily made her way down. "Mind if I join you?"

"But of course." He opened the shuttle pod one as they stepped inside. A few minutes later all of the shuttles exited the shuttle bay as they made their test runs.

"So, what made you decide to return to the Meridian?" Dougsdale inquired.

Heath knew this question was bound to come up. "Would you believe that really missed you all?"

"Not really. You took on a good position of New Darwin Colony as Operations Manager."

"When I took that position, it was after being a prisoner to the Ke'elzzoid," he reminded. "It was a great opportunity and a beautiful world. Then the Federation agreed to give one their young Queens asylum on New Darwin."

The Warrant Officer nodded her head as she took in what he was saying. "I see now."

"I was expected to play nice with the very people who tortured me. And if it wasn't for her own people wanting to kill her simply for being a young Queen versus an older one. She would still be with them, probably plotting the demise of the Federation."

"You managed to stay at the posting for two years."

Heath couldn't help to laugh slightly. "I really tried to get over it. "Even got to know a few members of the Hive that was set up on one of the islands. But I watched them reproduce and their numbers increase. They're a threat and their nature will eventually make them want to take over."

"That's huge assumption," she brought up. "Sharing a world with Human might have them view things differently."

"You might be right," the Chief admitted. "But for my own mental health I needed to leave. Remaining would have ruined everything that Starfleet is hoping to accomplish with my negativity."

"I can see why you feel this way and understand perfectly why you left. It would be wrong just to expect you to get over it. All in the name of diplomacy. Is your goal to finish your career here?"

"The Meridian will not be my last stop," Heath answered. "My goal is to make Master Chief Petty Officer. Can't achieve that doing starship duty alone. Next assignment might be working at Starfleet Basic Training or Starfleet Technically School. And how about yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"You went from Enlisted to Warrant Officer. Is the last stop or are you considering becoming an officer so you can move up the ranks?"

The Warrant Officer took a moment to think about the question. "Perhaps someday. But right now, I will keep focusing on this current assignment.

"Fair enough," the Chief replied with a nod. "The Captain looked out for me by suggesting that I broaden my horizons. Thought I would do my entire career on this ship. But he saw more in me. And suggested and even recommended me for the Operations Manager position. The location was just bad for me, but the experience was excellent. Just be sure to do the same for yourself when the time is right."

Emily nodded in agreement. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."


Warrant Officer Emily Dougsdale
Helm Officer
USS Meridian

Chief Petty Officer Health Studemire
Shuttlebay Manager
USS Meridian

Petty Officer 1st Class Gabrielle Costillo
Shuttlebay Technician
USS Meridian

Petty Officer 3rd Class James Greene
Shuttlebay Technician
USS Meridian

Crewman Darla Meadows
Shuttlebay Technician
USS Meridian


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