
Meeting the assistant

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 3:50pm by Lieutenant JG Talariana sh'Joven & Commander Thomas Carey

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Drydock
Location: First Officer's Office
Timeline: current

Thomas had just gotten his bags into his quarters... being the XO gave him not only quarters, but a small, yet usable office next to it to call his own. there as always the Armory office that he could use, and probably would use more often. However, with wanting a bit of a downtime social setting he opted for the one closer to home. Going through the files, he noticed his first victim... person of interest.

"Lt Sh'Joven please report to... the office next to the XO's quarters." Thomas replied as he thought about what to call this office.

Talariana had just arrived back to spacedock on her father's ship about five hours prior when she received call from what had to be the Executive Officer. Emily had told a few days ago that the Captain finally picked a replacement for the last XO who just happened to be the Chief Armory Officer as well. "On my way Sir."

A few minutes later the Andorian shen found herself outside the office door. Giving herself a quick look over to ensure that she was damn near flawless in appearance. She pressed the chime.

"Enter." Thomas replied as he placed the padd that he was reading down.

Walking into the room, sh'Joven scanned the room which was still somewhat empty. "You requested to see me Sir?"

"Yes Lt. Please have a seat." Thomas replied as he stood, extending a hand. "Just wanting to get to know everyone that I will be working closely with. Considering you are the assistant armory officer... I figured you should be the second one, after the Captain of course."

Talariana extended her hand, accepting his and then sat down as instructed. "Welcome to the Meridian Commander Carey."

"Thank you, I didn't have very much time to prepare, the challenger docked a six hours ago, and i was told to report here. So can you catch me up on anything that may need immediate attention. Regarding the Armory."

"The armory is fully stocked with phaser and phaser rifles for our journey," she answered. "The last compliment of torpedoes should be arriving on board tomorrow at 0900 hours. Crew arrivals are still taking place."

"Good to know. So tell me, there aren't many andorians in starfleet, what made you decide to join?" Thomas asked genuinely curious. "Compared to the Andorians, and the Vulcans, Humans are relatively new to the neighborhood."

Ther Lieutenant smiled. "There was no way I was going to end up on a Vulcan or Tellarite ship. Believe it or not, my people have a high of respect for Humans. Figured I would stay on the Meridian for a few years, which I did. But then my father and brother convinced me to stay."

"Well I appreciate your decision to stay. I apologize if you feel I took your position."

"Honestly I didn't want your position," she admitted. "Didn't want the one that I am currently in. Strongly considered working as the brig officer to get some interrogation experience. But I like I mentioned after talking with family, I decided to come back to this one. I look forward to learning from your experience."

"I think I have as much to learn from you as you are from me Lt. Glad to have you as my assistant."

"You'll be juggling your role here and Executive Officer as well," she brought up. "What do you need from me?"

"Just keep doing what you do Lt. Your records show you are more than capable officer. Seeing as you are new to the armory do you need any practice?"

"Been working here for a few years now. The last XO was also the Chief Armory Officer. So, I did my part to help out, even though I wasn't the assistant."

"Got you the experience needed, I am sure you will be a shoe in if I either transfer out or the other two options occur."

"Was you goal always to have your own command?"

"Once I got into it, I have always seen myself having my own ship. Exploring the stars, meeting new people." He looked at a picture of his family. "My family however had other plans. They wanted me to remain on Earth. But when the romulan war started, and they started taking anyone who would fight. I signed up."

Talariana's antennae raised. "I am often confused why Human families are excited and proud to have their children join military service. For Andorian's it's considered an honor."

"Space travel, and starfleet itself, is relatively new in the whole grand scheme of the universe... For many its an honor, but in times of war, people are scared."

"I still have much to learn about Human. Way too much when it comes to your personalities."

"Don't learn too much because when you think you have it all down... we change..."

The Andorian burst out laughing. "So it's a worthless task,"

"Absolutely... keeps everyone on their toes. We would be mindless drones if we would remain the same day in and day out."

"Sounds as if we have an understanding Commander."

"I believe we do... anything you have, questions or requests before we finish here."

"No sir," the Lieutenant replied


Commander Thomas Carey
Executive/Chief Armory Officer
USS Meridian

Ltjg. Talariana sh'Joven
Asst. Chief Armory Officer
USS Meridian



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