Posted on Sun Feb 16th, 2025 @ 5:55am by Commander Thomas Carey & Captain Andre Hunt
1,085 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: USS Meridian: Captain's Mess
The USS Meridian was a week away from departing on their two-year assignment. Still a few senior staff members short, but hopefully most of that would be addressed prior to them leaving. It had been a tough decision regarding the candidates for Executive Officer, but one in particular stood out above the others. Lt. Commander Thomas Carey a career armory officer and had spent the last two years as the second officer aboard the USS Challenger. After speaking with his CO, he was fairly certain that this man was more than ready to pursue the command route further. He immediately offered him the position, along with a promotion to Commander.
A few hours ago, the Challenger had arrived at Starbase 1. The Captain had instructed the quartermaster to inform Thomas to join him for dinner at 1700 hours. With the Commander just moving in, Andre wanted their first meeting to be a little more casual.
Thomas walked up to the Captains mess, having the extra pip on his chest was a bit, odd. But it was something he had been striving for the past few years. Walking up to the door, he pressed the chime.
Hearing the chime, Hunt looked at the time and stood from his seat. The Commander was right on time. Getting up, the Captain walked over, opened the door and greeted his new first officer. "Commander Carey welcome aboard the USS Meridian."
"Captain Hunt." Thomas replied as he extended his hand in greeting. "Can't say i was expecting a promotion. But I won't say no."
"Based on your record the promotion is well deserved," Andre replied. "Have a seat, dinner should be arriving soon. So where is the Challenger returning from?"
"Well then thank you." Thomas replied taking a seat. "So whats the orders Captain, do we have a ship out date yet?"
"We ship out in two weeks. First stop will be at Trillus Prime to drop of some scientists we rescued from the Orion Syndicate a few months back." Hunt reached over and grabbed a pitcher. "Lemonade?"
"Sure." Thomas replied as he looked the room over. "Whats special about this scientist... if the syndicate wanted him so bad... something has got to be big about him."
"It was actually four scientists," Hunt responded as he filled his glass. "The Syndicate stumbled upon them, kidnapped them and destroyed their ship. Trill were completely alien to them, so the opportunity to put them on the market was tempting."
"Sounds pretty run of the mill... whats these scientist expertise?"
"They're Astrophysicists. Don't even ask me the details of their work. But they spent the last two and half months speaking with other scientist from around the Federation and now it's a run of the mill drop off. More important, it's a chance for us to visit Trill which is rare they invite guest to their world."
"They are the ones with the worm in their stomach right?"
Hunt couldn't help but to laugh. "It's referred to as a symbiont, if I recall correctly. They tend not to discuss much about them. Kind of secretive about the whole thing actually."
"Ah my mistake, don't want to make that in front of them do I. Not surprising, Considering other species where the host is under the control of the symbiont."
"You would think that would be the case," Kenneth mentioned. "Apparently the Trill and the symbiont work together while controlling one another in a mutual beneficial way. There is so much out there that we don't have a clue about."
The doors opened as the Galley Mate entered carrying two trays of food. Placing them on the table, he lifted the lids. The plates revealed macaroni and cheese, yams, broccoli, cornbread and meatloaf.
"Looks and smells excellent. One thing you'll learn about me Commander. I love a number of different types of food. But my background is definitely from the south and we have stuck with that type of cooking which is a favorite." Nodding his approval to the crewman, the Galley Mate quickly exited the room. "So tell me about your family. Anyone else in your family serving in Starfleet?"
"Currently I am the only one... much to the disappointment of my family. But with the war, I had to answer the call."
The Captain raised an eyebrow. "Why would they be disappointed?"
"My family was never the militaristic type. They see starfleet not as explorers, but as military."
Andre sipped his drink. "I guess over the last decade, Starfleet has come off a bit more militaristic. Which is one reason why Starfleet wants to push forward with our current mission to get back to exploring. Perhaps they will change their minds in time."
"I wouldn't hold my breath." Thomas replied. "Anything you want from me before we depart?"
"Just ensure everything is good with the Armory," Hunt answered. "Everything should be damn near brand new and fully stocked. The entire senior staff will be new to this ship. So, we'll all have the pleasure of figuring out how we work together."
"Ive read that the assistant armoury officer is remaining onboard, I hope I didn't take her position."
The Captain shook his head. "I recently moved her into that position. Believe me you didn't take anything from her."
"Just wanted to make sure no feathers were ruffled."
"Lieutenant sh'Joven is good at her job and has been an amazing addition to the Meridian. But I get that's it tough being the only Andorian on a ship full of Humans at times."
"Oh I don't doubt that at all. But that makes her that much more valuable." Thomas agreed.
"So I am glad she chose to remain with us."
"I haven't had a chance to serve with an andorian yet... I look forward to it."
"Their arrogance takes some getting used to," the Captain admitted. "But she has adjusted to our ways and a lot of the arrogance is gone. But it appears on occasion."
"There is always a good thing in a little arrogance. It shows they know their shit. I'd rather an arrogant asshole, than someone whose always second guessing."
Andre couldn't help but to laugh. "Be careful what you wish you for. But believe she knows her shit."
"I never wish for too much." Thomas replied, "I have yet to have one back fire."
"You'll definitely fit in around here."
"I am looking forward to it."
Captain Andre Hunt
Commanding Officer
USS Meridian
Commander Thomas Carey
Chief Armoury/First Officer
USS Meridian