My Offer
Posted on Sun Dec 22nd, 2024 @ 7:43pm by Captain Andre Hunt & Major Eli McEntyre
807 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: West Point Academy, NY; Earth
It had been four weeks since Captain Hunt received news on the latest assignment. But one question that had been brought up was on whether he would request to bring MACOs on board. The Federation was currently in peacetime but being so far out when things got bad, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some extra muscle on board. Traveling by shuttle pod, the Captain touched down on the landing pad on the grounds of West Point.
Stepping out the shuttle, he was met by one of the staff that took him to the classroom of Major Eli McEntyre who was instructing a class. Silently entering the room, Andre most in the back trying to disturb or draw attention from the Cadets.
At the front of the lecture hall, speaking before a large screen with tactical plots and maps, Major Eli McEntyre, one of the last of the McEntyre brothers to survive the war. The maps on the screen, the defense of Naffaroa, the capital of Berengeria VII.
"In this scenario, we can see that the Romulans employed a sweeping movement to their landing of their "Hastati" troops. This gave them the advantage of avoiding the ground defense batteries in what we call a "Wild Weasel" maneuver. A series of banking and evasive movement of the spacecraft to avoid enemy ground fire. Lieutenant Colonel McEntryre, though, in this case, tried to split the difference, ordering one of his batteries to engage the targets in-atmosphere while the remainder kept their fire pointing up. By rotating these duties every so often, he was successful in throwing off the Romulans attempts in gaining positional data for the ground batteries."
Eli looks up, noticing the Starfleet Captain standing by the doors of the hall.
"For next time, I want you to write up a two page summery of First Berengeria and what possible changes you would had made to defense plans. We'll discuss and compare notes then. Class Dismissed!"
The class stood at attention before breaking up and leaving the classroom.
"Major I hope I didn't cause you to end your class early," Hunt replied. "Honestly was curious on what you were about to bring up regarding the battle."
"Apart from the valiant last stand of John McEntyre? They make me teach it like I had first hand experience on the ground there. Honestly, John was always the gun-ho type, which is what I'm trying to teach these future officers not to be." Eli mused before coming back to the present.
"You have me at a disadvantage, Captain?" He comments and at the same time tries to fish for a name.
"My apologizes I am Captain Andre Hunt of the USS Meridian." Moving forward he offered his hand.
Eli accepted the offered hand, shaking it for a moment.
“Major Eli McEntyre, at present, Instructor of Tactical Studies. What can I do ya for, Sir? If it’s for more MACOs, I’m sure the General can put up some names better than I can.”
Eli chuckles for a moment.
"Actually, your name is at the top of my list," Andre replied. "The Meridian ships out in two weeks for a two-year deep assignment. "Back to exploring the unknown, which in my experience means that we'll eventually come across someone wanting shoot at us. I for one like to have the best at my disposal. Which is why I am here today to make you an offer for MACO detachment commander position."
Eli tilts his head, with a curious glance.
"Been some time since I was out there. Not since the war ended. Might be nice to get back out on the line. The General was ok with you offering me this position?"
"Of course, he spoke very highly of you. The General appreciates everything you're doing here. But feels that you are not quite ready to be teaching full time yet. Believes you have your own history to make out there."
“Well, if the great General McEntyre believes I need to make my own history, who am I to refuse. You have your MACO commander, Captain.” Eli says with some degree of confidence.
"Glad to hear it," the Captain replied as he extended his hand. "You'll get to put your team together how you see fit. Have the feeling you have some people in mind already that you likely help train in this very classroom."
"I'll have a list to you by 0800 tomorrow." Eli saluted the captain.
Hunt smiled as he returned the salute. The Major would definitely make a fine addition to the crew. Obviously was the perfect example of professionalism. Perhaps he could get him to ease up a bit with the saluting. Which could be brought up at a later time.
Captain Andre Hunt
Commanding Officer
USS Meridian
Major Eli McEntyre
MACO Commanding Officer
USS Meridian