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Crew Reassignments

Posted on Sat Dec 21st, 2024 @ 9:41pm by Commodore Maurice Bell & Captain Andre Hunt

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Drydock
Location: Starfleet Headquarters- Cafeteria

Captain Hunt sat across from Commodore Bell at the cafeteria at Starfleet Headquarters. The two decided to make this a lunch meeting since neither had eaten anything today. "Congratulations on the promotion. It's definitely been a long time coming."

"Thank you," Maurice. "So, any idea who is staying and going?"

"We're about three weeks away from shipping off," Andre answered. "Most of the crew decided to stay onboard with the few who left being replaced already this week. The senior staff is going to be an issue. My First Officer Commander Trevor Jonas was offered the opportunity to be a First Officer on an Andorian ship. The opportunity just seemed way too tempting to serve on a ship patrolling the Federation border. Commander Timo Vanhanen returned back to Earth to try to work things out with his ex-wife."

"Really now?" the Commodore spoke.

Hunt simply shrugged. "I understand the need to keep one's family together. So that was my Chief Engineer. Lt. Commander Talia Brennan, Doctor Stile Corbett and Doctor Jia Cassidy have opted to stay behind.  So, I am officially in need of Chief Science Officer and Chief Medical Officer as well."

"And a Chief Armory Officer." Maurice added while taking a bite out of his sandwich."

"I'm literally starting off with a new Senior Staff," the Captain sighed.

"You're the one who wanted to give the crew a choice in the matter."

Swallowing his food and taking a swing of drink, he threw his hands in the air. "Had no idea that they would decide to leave or get offered other assignments."

"The Meridian does have a very decorated crew," Bell replied. "What did you expect?"

"And I am very proud of that. But the selfish side of me really wanted them to stay."

Both men looked at each other and broke out laughing. "Dre how about your resident Andorian for Chief Armory Officer. What's her name Lieutenant sh'Joven?"

"She hasn't quite decided on whether she wished to stay on Meridian," Hunt answered. "Talariana expected to be with us a little over a year and it's been three years. Being the only Andorian on a Human ship has been a learning experience which she has handled quite well. And its been quite the learning experience for me as well. But I understand the need to return back to an Andorian ship."

Maurice nodded. "Have you decided whether to bring MACO's?"

"A definite yes to that question," Hunt replied. "Got some about three possible MACOs in mind for the CO positions. Plan on visiting my top choice as soon as we finish lunch. Starfleet Medical is sending me a Medical Officer who graduated six months ago. If someone more experienced doesn't show, then I ship off with him."

"Hold on regarding that medical officer," Bell spoke up. "I believe there is someone with real experience at Starfleet Medical who might be interested."

Hunt raised an eyebrow. Clearly the Commodore had peaked his interest. "Who might this be?"

"How do you feel about Vulcans?"

"No issue whatsoever," the Captain answered. "Honestly, I have never served with one."

"T'Ria is highly qualified. Spoke with her a couple of times at a few conferences. A little different than your typical Vulcan. But to my point, I believe she expressed wanting to get back on a starship."

Andre thought about it briefly. The man in front of him was an intellectual and wasn't impressed by many. So when he was impressed, it meant quite a bit. "Go ahead and make the call. And I'll look over her record."

"Now enough of work. How is Tyler doing?"

A huge smile appeared on Andre's face. "Tyler is a little upset that I am going to be gone for so long. But I think he gets it. Giving his mother and stepfather a hard time. He is at that age where he feels that he knows everything and the rest of us our stupid. Did you know he got passed up and skipped a grade?"

"Whatever," Andre replied. "But he has plans to graduate early by taking classes in summer school. Wants to apply for Starfleet Academy early."

"And what do you think about that my friend?"

"I was hoping that he would want to stay a kid a little longer," Hunt admitted. "Guess I can't blame him. He wants to be out here among the stars just as bad as I did."

"The kid is a natural born leader, smart and has a Starfleet Captain as a father," the Commodore mentioned. "He's a shoe in for a second-generation Starfleet Officer."

"And his mother terrified and hates the idea of him going to Starfleet."

Maurice burst out laughing. "And like his father, he is determined to piss off his mother."

"Lita demanded that I talk him out of it. But we both know that I am not doing that. I'm all for anyone pursuing their dreams. Especially my own son."

"Curious to see where this next generation takes Starfleet," Bell acknowledged. "A lot of space to explore and there are plenty ships that going to be coming off the production line."

"Not to mention space stations, outpost and colonies, Hunt chimed in. "Wouldn't be surprised if people just left Earth all together and settled in other places. Are you sure that you don't want to join me as my Chief Science Officer. I can show you how things really get done."

"Knowing my luck, you would get me killed on my first mission under you," he joked.

"But you would get the chance to die with some sense of honor," the Captain came back with his own joke.

Bell threw up his hands. "You defeat one damn Klingon in hand-to-hand combat and now I will never hear the end of it."

"If the Klingons heard you speaking to me like this, they would probably have you killed on the spot for disrespecting the Honorable Captain Andre Hunt."

"One thing before I let you go," Maurice added. "Emily Douglasdale your helmsman, she's staying right?"

Andre raised a curious eyebrow. "Yes that is correct. Why?"

The Commodore shrugged. "Nothing in particular. Just noticed that the two of you have been spending a bit of time together. over the last few weeks."

"It's just an occasional dinner to keep up with all the current or workouts at the gym. Nothing too big."

"Just saying," Bell spoke putting his hands in a defensive posture. Space is a cold and lonely place."

Hunt stood from the table. "You know I can't do this with you. And I got places to be. I will follow up with you a little later."

"Alright then my friend."

Captain Andre Hunt
Commanding Officer
USS Meridian

Commodore Maurice Bell
Director of Fleet Logistical Operations
Starfleet Headquarters


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