Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2024 @ 6:00am by Lieutenant JG Talariana sh'Joven & Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale
676 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: sh'Joven Quarters
Emily Douglasdale sat on the bed as she watched her friend back her clothes. The crew had just the announcement about the two mission that would be taking place in six weeks and the decision to accept the assignment or leave was on the table. "So, what do you think?"
Talariana was in mid packing when she stopped to contemplate how to answer that question. "Honestly I'm not sure. This assignment was never supposed to be a long-term one. And now there's a chance of being out there on the Meridian for another two years."
"Geez you make it sound like being around us is such a bad thing," Emily joked.
"You know that I have so much respect for this crew and especially the Captain," the Lieutenant replied. "I was just considering an assignment that would bring me closer to home. Everyone else here arrived back home to Earth. I'm going to have to hitch a ride to Andor which is about a week away. Then take a ship back to Earth after staying for two weeks with family."
The Warrant took in everything that was just explained to her. "I guess I never looked at it from that standpoint. You get to return less than anyone on this ship. That does have to be very difficult for you."
The Andorian shen nodded. "It was more difficult at first. But when I started opening up more and getting more involved with the crew, it wasn't as bad. Your friendship helped quite a bit."
"If you left, I would miss you," Emily replied. "Suppose I have my own selfish reasons for wanting you to stay. Figured at some point we could help run this place. If Commander Jonas choses to leave, then you could possibly become the Chief Armory Officer."
"To be honest," Talariana replied. "Not sure if I would want the position right now. I just feel like there is more for me to learn."
"Like what?" the Warrant Officer inquired. "You had experience before arriving and gain even more experience."
Before answering the Andorian shen thought carefully. "Taking a position in the brig would get me some prisoner interrogation experience. Also, I came here with the intent on learning more about working with Humans. But Humans are the only other group in the Federation. Never been too fond of Tellarites. But it would be good to have experiences working with them. Or even Vulcan. Not to mentioned that several other worlds have join the Federation. They're going to have people integrated into Starfleet soon enough."
Douglasdale processed the information being told to her. In a few short years, since it's founding the Federation had expanded to ten worlds. Not to mention all the colonies and outpost each world brought to the table. The boarders expanded so much further and Starfleet was still exploring and possibly bringing others to the table. Where the Klingons and Romulans expanded through conquering. The Federation expanded through recruitment and exploration. These were indeed interesting times. "We'll I'll let you finish your packing. Again, I am definitely going to miss having you around this place."
"And I will definitely miss being around to hang out with you as well," Talariana responded. "I have a lot to think about in the next few weeks. Clearly I don't even have to ask where you stand in all of this."
"I'm just loyal to this ship and its Captain,"
"Is that all?" the Lieutenant inquired with a smile. "You two have always been close."
Emily raised an eyebrow. "That's all there is. I served under him in the helm department, and he has always led by example and is vey loyal. All characteristics that I respect."
The Andorians antennae's raised straight up. "You forget that I am quite observant. Perhaps over the next few weeks you should think about what you want as well."
"Perhaps, I'll do that," the helm officer simply responded as she made her way to the door. "I'll catch up with you later, before you head to the transport."