Back to Earth
Posted on Thu Nov 21st, 2024 @ 4:18pm by Captain Andre Hunt & Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale & Warrant Officer Steve Baxter
Edited on on Sun Dec 1st, 2024 @ 6:01am
317 words; about a 2 minute read
Location: Bridge
=Meridian: Bridge Deck A=
Captain Hunt sat in the center chair on the bridge as the Meridian entered into the Sol System. It seemed like forever since they were last home. In the brig was the so-called Pirate King and what remained of his crew. Talee had been wounded in the ordeal, but had spent the last few weeks in recovery. But they loss a member of the crew during the initial confrontation. The Android had disappeared as it escaped capture. Who knew where it went, but it if it didn't want to be found. Then likely it wouldn't be. And he couldn't forget about their current passengers the Trill scientist who they rescued. After spending time with the leader of the group, Andre had hoped that the Meridian would get a chance to escort the group back to Trill.
As the Meridian approached, they could see Starbase 1 in the distance. It was definitely an impressive piece of work that was completed earlier in the year. Attached were several docked ships.
"Captain Hunt," Baxter spoke. "Starbase has requested we dock at port five."
"Emily go ahead and dock us."
"Aye sir." A few minutes later the Meridian was officially docked. Everyone around the bridge were clearly happy to be home. And eager to get shore leave underway.
"Baxter let the crew know that shore leave is underway."
"Yes Captain. By the way Captain Bell wants to meet with you at Starfleet Headquarters at your earliest convenience."
Andre couldn't help but to sigh. Seemed like there was always just one more request. Since this was one of his closest friends, he would get to him as soon as possible. "Let the Director know, I'll be in his office in two hours."
Captain Andre Hunt
Commanding Officer
USS Meridian NCC-06
Warrant Officer Emily Douglasdale
Helm Officer
USS Meridian NCC-06
Warrant Officer Steven Baxter(NPC)
Communications Officer
USS Meridian NCC-06